Friday, January 15, 2010

I don't know where the last month has gone...but it has surely flown by! My days start at 3:30am (as that's what time my little pumpkin gets up to eat and decides that she's ready to start her day) but still, I don't know where my time goes! Between diaper changes, feedings, potty training (which has actually been equating to wiping pee off the kitchen floor more than anything else) and constantly answering the "mommy" questions EVERY two minutes, I find myself going quite insane some days....although I know it's no more crazier than any other mom out there raising two or more kiddos! Yep, such is my life for the next ... hmmm... I don't know how long!
But as much as I make fun of my "hectic" days, we do manage to sqeeze in some play time as well as MANY photo ops! (you know me!)
Cale has rediscovered his love for play-doh, thanks to Tom, Jamie, and Kylie! He can't get enough of that stuff and is now finally having fun with all the utensils trying to build things.
So serious .. making spaghetti is no easy feat!

Keegyn's first velour track suit--yep, gotta love it!

Keegyn loves it too! I swear!

I just love the expression on her face here! And look, she's even starting to show off her little belly and double chin! She's only 7 pounds and has a double chin, so now I don't feel so bad about mine!!!!!

My poor little man...trying desperately to take a nap but needing to cover his ears cuz his little sister is crying way too much! Cale's favorite saying these days: "Calm down Keegyn!" The other frequent occurence in our home: Cale running around the house with both fingers in his ears, yelling the same phrase mentioned above!

Cuddling with her froggy on her cute little froggy blankie! Thanks Gina, Avery and Mya! (PS..Can't wait to see you all next week!)

Brotherly love! Actually, Cale just really likes to be in ALL the pictures with Keegyn....never really liked getting pictures taken before, but now that I might actually want one of just Keegyn...rarely a chance!

Lazy day at home

Getting ready to go see the girls at work. This time we're all dressed up with actually someplace to go!

Keegyn has achieved one of her first milestones! Holding her head up enough to sit in the bumbo chair! Yeah Keegyn!
While Keegyn mastered that task, Cale is currently working on another...potty training. As you can tell by no pants (only underwear....this is still early in the day so this is actually only pair number two!) Won't even go into how many underwear changes we had this day!

Another first milestone....SMILING!!!!!!!!!!!

Playing footsie :)


Life with the Benson Boys - one big guy and 2 little guys said...

You are so good at capturing all your daily stuff. Great pictures, love em!


I can't believe how well she's sitting in the bumbo seat. It took Aubrie forever to sit up straight in there. She's a strong little girl!!