Friday, December 18, 2009

Our little peanut, Keegyn Grace, was due to arrive on the morning of the first big snow storm of the year! Blizzard warnings and all....she was on her way! Especially if I had anything to say about it! Our C-Section was scheduled for 9:30am on Dec 9th---We ended up getting 8in of snow the night before, which continued on into the morning. Jason and I headed out to the hospital on little to no sleep (once again--bringing back flashbacks from when Cale was born) at 5:45am--not knowing how long it would take us to make our journey! Luckily, no one was on the road!! So we actually got to the hospital 30min early, which was good on one hand, cuz we didn't have to worry about rushing....but it only added to my anxiety, as I had to sit there longer just waiting it out. Although this was not new to me, seeing as I had a c-section with Cale, I was rather nervous about this one...and actually ended up having a mini panic attack just prior to going into the OR (of course, only me!!)
Here is a picture of the wonderful weather that Keegyn was greeted with as she ventured into the world!
Our little pumpkin topped the scale at 6lb 14oz 19in
I almost had them re-weigh her....I could not believe she was so little! Never expected her to be so much less than Cale (9lb 6oz 20in). Just figured I grew 'em BIG!!!
Jason was such a comfort to me in the OR. The spinal block I had was VERY felt like I was numb up to my chest, so it was really hard to take a deep breath, which made me a little anxious, but my hubby did a good job of distracting me!
Here she is all cleaned up in the nursery.
Day 1 post op. Keegyn looking precious...Mommy, not-so-good!

Well, these two BOTH look pretty well rested!

We ended up spending 3 and a half days in the hospital. I was more than ready to get home. I missed Cale sooooooooooo much. He wasn't allowed to come to the hospital due to all the restrictions with the H1N1 business. He stayed at Jason's parents' home. I called him everyday but he was upset with me and wouldn't talk to me---or if he did all he did was whimper into the phone, which only made me feel more horrible. It just broke my heart. I kept thinking he thought we abandoned him. I just couldn't wait to get home to get some big hugs and kisses from my little man!
Here she is in her going home outfit---thanks to Gretchen, she actually had something to go home in! We never expected Keegyn to be so small, so everything I had for her was WAY too big! Gretchen was kind enough to bring some clothes that Sidney had outgrown, so we were very thankful for that!

Cale fell immediately in love with his little sister and has been a GREAT help since she's been here. He can't stop giving her kisses and toys and wanting to hold her. I've even caught him talking to her a few times, calling her "sweetie." He's already been a wonderful big brother! And so far, he doesn't have a problem with her sticking around for a bit longer!

I will probably jinx myself, but Keegyn is a very easy going baby--never cries...except when hungry. Sleeps alot right now, but is very focused and watchful during her awake times. It's been a fun first week home with both of my kiddos---BUSY, but fun!

Her first bath! She looks like a little rat in this picture...but she loved it!

SNUG AS A BUG!!!!!!!

Our precious little angel! (Thanks again Gretch, for the outfit!)

All the excitement of Keegyn's first week at home has been a bit exhausing for my little man.......


1 comment:

Life with the Benson Boys - one big guy and 2 little guys said...

she is just beautiful Kristin and Cale makes such an adorable big brother. Love the pictures and I'm so glad you are going to keep up your blog even as a mom of two! :)